Sully came to the shelter originally as a 2-month-old pup and was quickly adopted out – but unfortunately returned 4 months later. When Sully came back to the shelter he was extremely fearful and did not do well in the kennel environment. He showed a lack of social skills and was quickly selected to participate in the Puppies for Parole program. Sully quickly learned all his manners as well as basic commands, and in just a few weeks’ time was able to pass his Canine Good Citizen test. It was no surprise that Sully stole the heart of the first person who applied for him when he was ready for adoption. Since his adoption day his new mom says he has slept in bed with her every single night. He went from a scared and shy boy to a playful and happy puppy who keeps his mom very entertained. She even reports that he is doing much better with meeting new people and letting them pet him! Sully’s adopter says she could not possibly love him more!